Italian Luxury Fabrics

The origin of silk is attributed to China, where its processing has been documented since 2700 BC.
Legend has it that the discovery of silk occurred by chance, when Empress Xi Ling Shi, wife of Emperor Huang Di, saw a silkworm cocoon fall into her cup of tea. The cocoon dissolved into a long thread, and the empress was fascinated by it. Since then, silk became an important symbol of Chinese culture, and China became the leading producer and exporter of silk in the world.

Silk manufacturing spread to other East Asian countries, such as Korea, Japan, and Persia, over the centuries. In 550 AD, silk reached Europe via the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine monks smuggled silkworm eggs to Europe, and sericulture quickly spread to other European countries.

Today, silk is produced in many countries around the world, including China, India, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, and the United States. Silk production is an important economic activity for many countries, and silk is still considered a fine and valuable fiber.

Here are some interesting facts about silk:

  • The silkworm cocoon is made up of a single thread about 900 meters long.
  • Silk is a very durable natural fiber, and can be used to produce a variety of fabrics, including clothing, linens, rugs and furnishings.
  • Silk is also a very soft and comfortable fiber, and has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Silk is an expensive material, but it is considered a long-lasting investment.